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S P O R T S  I N J U R I E S

Sports injuries can affect your everyday life as well as keep you from enjoying some your favourite sport. If you've had a recent injury it's important you take the right steps to settle down pain and ensure you can return to sport in the quickest and safest timeframe possible.


Whether it’s a twisted ankle or knee, muscle strain, trauma or an injury “outta nowhere” it can be difficult to know what to do to improve symptoms and when it’s appropriate to return to sport. 


Injuries will gradually feel better with time but without sufficient treatment you may run the risk of re-injury on return to sport. Proper rehabilitation is often required to ensure you get back to sport in both the safest and quickest way possible. 


I’ve played sports all my life and have also worked as a physiotherapist in sport, so I know how frustrating injuries can be - but I also know the best ways to manage injuries and when to progress rehabilitation. A lot of people who play sports for fun or on an amateur/semi-professional level rarely have proper treatment and guidance when returning from an injury and rehab may require the use of a gym or field - Physio At The Door can work with you in both environments to ensure you're ready to return to action in the fittest way possible. 


If you’ve got a nagging injury that won’t allow you to return to sport pain-free, start your journey back to sport by picking one of the options below. Feel free to send an e-mail or arrange a call where I’ll give you some advice about your injury - there’s no obligation to book an appointment after we've had a chat! 


A lot of people often opt to start with a Discovery Visit. I offer these to people who are a bit sceptical or unsure how physiotherapy might help them. It's a risk-free appointment where I'll come and perform an assessment to diagnose your problem and suggest how Physio At The Door would return you to sport. 


If you're ready to start treatment right away then you can call today or enquire about cost and availability this week - just hit the button below.

Physio At The Door: North London Home Physiotherapy

bringing the clinic to you

Appointments and Questions call: 07415305618

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