How you can make use of the time self-isolating or working from home to improve your aches & pai
The current corona virus outbreak has forced a lot of us to remain locked up indoors – either in self-isolation or working from home....

Things that everyone with back pain should know.
Some key points about back pain everyone should know.

Exercising with pain
This post is especially for people who have muscle, joint or nerve pain that has gone on for a long time without improving. Exercising...

Understanding lateral hip pain
Lateral hip pain is a common complaint that mostly affects women between their 40-60s, but that doesn’t rule out other people developing...

Getting old...and getting joint pain
It would be an unusual week for me if I didn’t receive the advice “don’t get old” at least 2-3 times. This is firstly because of my...

On going back pain
As a physiotherapist I’d usually expect an onset of back pain to settle within 2 months, give or take a couple of weeks…so if you’ve had...

Aches & pains at work
Some people will admit that they dread going to work on at least a few days during the week - which might be for a variety of reasons...

Weight loss & joint pain
You know that nice feeling you get when you finally put down a heavy rucksack or suitcase? Losing just a bit of weight often does the...

Understanding Arthritis
Understanding what to do with arthritic joints. A lot of people are often told their joint pain is down to arthritis and usually have the...

How do you look after your body?
Think about it for a second… Are you good to your body? Do you treat it with TLC? How do you sit (at work, reading the newspaper,...