Frozen shoulder
Here’s some information on a sticky condition…the frozen shoulder. Have you been told by your GP that you have a frozen shoulder? Are you...
Over the years I have seen many people who have told me they have sciatica without having any of the symptoms, so hopefully this can...
Talking Tendons - simple facts & info
Tendons are made up of tight parallel bundles of collagen which connect muscle to bone; helping to transmit sometimes high amounts of...
Things to consider with knee pain
Knee pain is a common problem, affecting a lot of people out there. You can see that the knee does its fair share of work during our...
Neck pain and headaches
Here’s a nice home treatment for the those with neck pain & headaches to try. Headaches can stem from your neck, and tightness in your...
Dietary changes & arthritis
Its good for your health to make good decisions. It also happens to be a good time of the year to make some positive changes. What you...
Bad back? Good exercise!
Back pain is common, we all at least know somebody with it, if we don’t already have it ourselves. 😤 This means that I come in contact...
Hamstring Rehab
I’ve had some recent trouble with my hamstrings playing football, and I won’t be alone as hamstring strains are one of the most common...
Sleeping your way to better health...and reduced pain!
I personally look forward to getting into bed every night, and I’m lucky to experience a good 6-8 hours of deep sleep most nights. The...
Understanding rotator cuff tears
Shoulder pain is common, effecting up to 26% of the general population. It impacts dressing, eating, wiping your bum (and if you’re not...